en español, por favor...

Sign in a Festival, Congress or Event

Note: Due to maintenance changes we're making right now in www.cuentacuentos.eu, this form will not be sent automatically. You must send the following information in Word or in the body of the email (along with a photo) to red@cuentacuentos.eu . Sorry for the inconvenience.

Event title: *

* Obligatory fields


Email: *

Name of the director of the Festival:

Country: *

Cities and towns for gigs:


Organized by:


Audience (childen, adults, all):




Web (if you have any)::

Blog (if you have any):

More information (description, history, programs, etc.):


The fields marked witk an asterisk * are obligatory:

Please send a photography of the poster by email to red@cuentacuentos.eu:

Note: Due to maintenance changes we're making right now in www.cuentacuentos.eu, this form will not be sent automatically. You must send the following information in Word or in the body of the email (along with a photo) to red@cuentacuentos.eu . Sorry for the inconvenience.


Aviso sobre protección de datos


Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos :: International Storytelling Network

Email: red@cuentacuentos.eu - Aviso - FAQ